Anna G. Corkscrew, Blue
Anna G. Corkscrew, Blue

Anna g. corkscrew, blue

Signature corkscrew by Alessi. 

An engaging tribute to a real woman, the Italian designer Anna Gili, Anna G.s smiling face has become something of a cult figure over the years. Some would real it's a real, bonafide, “design portrait”!

This corkscrew dancing on one foot has a demure dark navy dress for sophisticated look. With the Colour Tales collection her unmistakable smile returns with a small series of new colour versions, a tribute to the chromatic research of the designer, Alessandro Mendini.

  • Size: Ø7 x 24,5 cm
  • Material: thermoplastic resin, chromeplated metal
  • Designer: Alessandro Mendini
Regular price €41
Regular price €59,00 Sale price €41 -31%
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